
Las Vegas NORML Ramps Up Advocacy Efforts

With state lawmakers in Nevada quickly approaching their fast-tracked deadline of July 1st to implement the state’s new adult-use marijuana program, NORML is focused on ramping up our activism efforts in Las Vegas! NORML Prepares for Recreational Marijuana in Las Vegas Over the past two months, we’ve been busy planning, attending legislative hearings, tabling at [...]

By |2017-07-15T08:31:17+00:00May 21st, 2017|Chapter News, Laws, State News, Vegas News|0 Comments

Las Vegas NORML Starts Strong on Lobby Day

The Board of Directors of the newly-formed Las Vegas NORML recently traveled to the Nevada State House to lobby lawmakers in support of protections for marijuana patients and advocates. Las Vegas NORML Starts Strong in the Senate Less than a month after forming Las Vegas NORML, the organization’s founding members provided testimony to the State Senate [...]

By |2017-07-15T08:45:12+00:00March 31st, 2017|Chapter News, Laws, Recreational, State News|0 Comments